PF 2025

We wish you peaceful holidays and happy, warm, kind moments. In the new year, health enough,success, joy, no anger!

Daň z příjmu právnických osob | Corporate Income Tax | Körperschaftsteuer

The year 2024 brought important changes in the area of taxation in the Czech Republic. One of the main changes is the increase in corporate income tax from 19% to 21%. This change applies to all tax years starting on 1 January 2024. Our new article explains what this change means for businesses, what the impact may […]

Úprava daně z příjmů fyzických osob v ČR | Personal income tax in the Czech Republic | Einkommenssteuer in der Tschechischen Republik

The year 2024 has brought several significant changes in tax legislation affecting both individuals and corporations. In a series of articles, we will look at all these changes in turn, and in particular at their impact in 2025. Today, we will focus specifically on the impact of the changes on personal income tax.   A […]

Aktuální daňová zátěž OSVČ | Current tax burden on self-employed persons | Aktuelle Steuerbelastung für Selbstständige

Since 2024, changes related to pension reform have been introduced through a consolidation package. These changes, along with the increase in average wages, also impact social insurance for self-employed individuals (OSVČ). Health insurance has not undergone significant changes. However, conditions for lump-sum tax have changed.   Social Insurance The calculation of minimum contributions to social […]

Dobrovolná registrace k DPH | Preparation for Voluntary VAT Registration | Vorbereitung auf die freiwillige Mehrwertsteuer-Registrierung

We are now frequently seeing interest from taxpayers who want to become voluntary VAT payers. If you are conducting economic activities and do not meet the conditions for mandatory VAT registration, you can apply for voluntary registration. A new client approached us with this request after seeking accounting services. The owner of a newly established […]

Kategorie účetních jednotek | Categories of accounting units | Kategorien von Rechnungslegungseinheiten

In our last article, we discussed the obligation of accounting entities to publish their financial statements in the Collection of Deeds, including the legal deadline and scope of publication. If you need details on how you can publish your financial statements, including the options for sending them to the registry court or the penalties for […]

Účtenky | Receipts | Quittungen

We are dealing with several clients who often fail to submit their receipts in a timely manner. These are limited liability companies, VAT payers. Accounting needs to be maintained continuously. Ideally every month, even if you are a quarterly VAT payer. At the end of the monthly period, bank statements are typically downloaded and reconciled. […]

Účetní závěrka / Financial statement / Jahresabschlüsse

All entities that are registered in the public registers, or those that are required to do so by law, are obliged to publish their financial statements in the collection of documents. These are business corporations, institutes, foundations, associations or unit owners’ associations. This obligation is stipulated in Act 304/2013 on Public Registers, Section 66 and […]

Due Diligence

In these difficult business times, when many companies are struggling, there are sales of shares in companies or entire companies. Buying is also attractive to many investors, but can be complicated and time-consuming. Our client wanted to buy a business share in this way. However, he did not know what assets, liabilities and debts the […]

Rekonstrukce účetnictví | Accounting reconstruction | Rekonstruktion der Buchhaltung

The current times in accounting practice more and more often bring us situations when entrepreneurs and companies need accounting reconstruction. The reasons for this are varied, ranging from poor quality work by former bookkeepers, to loss of data, to doubts about the completeness and accuracy of the accounts. This may also be due to disputes […]


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