Advices, tips, experiences

Účetní závěrka / Financial statement / Jahresabschlüsse

All entities that are registered in the public registers, or those that are required to do so by law, are obliged to publish their financial statements in the collection of documents. These are business corporations, institutes, foundations, associations or unit owners’ associations. This obligation is stipulated in Act 304/2013 on Public Registers, Section 66 and […]

Rekonstrukce účetnictví | Accounting reconstruction | Rekonstruktion der Buchhaltung

The current times in accounting practice more and more often bring us situations when entrepreneurs and companies need accounting reconstruction. The reasons for this are varied, ranging from poor quality work by former bookkeepers, to loss of data, to doubts about the completeness and accuracy of the accounts. This may also be due to disputes […]

Postřehy z účetních závěrek | Insights from the financial statements | Einblicke in die Finanzausweise

On May 2, the deadline for electronic filing of 2023 tax returns ended for corporations and individuals who do not have an audit or do not use a deferred filing form with a tax advisor. At Jaspar accounting firm, most of the filings were for corporate, i.e. (double-entry) accounts. In today’s article we briefly summarise […]

Audit účetnictví | Audit of bookkeeping | Rechnungsprüfung

Natural and legal persons engaged in business are obliged to file income tax returns for the calendar or business year. In paper form within three months after the end of the year, in electronic form we have four months to file. If we have a tax advisor or are subject to an audit, we have […]

Power BI - Business Analytics

In today’s rapidly changing business environment, it is crucial to not only understand market dynamics, customer behaviour and internal processes, but also to closely monitor the financial health of the company and its long-term development. Management reporting and management accounting are invaluable tools that lead to a deeper understanding of these aspects and enable business […]

Inventura / Inventory / Inventarisierung der Vermögenswerte

Here we are in the new year 2024. We wish you all good health, good luck and of course professional success and may it carry us through this year. At the beginning of the new year, we will be closing the previous one in the accounts. Don’t leave the delivery of last year’s and December’s […]

Accountant / účetní / Buchhalter

Accounting data: what a company should keep and what should be left to the accountant Accounting data is an important source of information for managing, planning and directing a company. Every company should systematically and regularly work with the data it holds in its accounts and use it to have a comprehensive view of its […]


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