Accounting for entrepreneurs and companies

Do you need to keep complete tax records or double-entry bookkeeping? Want to leave your VAT return to an expert? Worried about a reverse charge? Dealing with payroll and personnel issues? Don’t hesitate to contact us!

In the field of accounting, we offer everything you need for trouble-free business and company operations. We are a serious company that understands the legislative requirements. Over nearly twenty years in the accounting business, we have gained a great deal of practical experience, which we will be happy to share with you. We will keep you well informed of all accounting transactions based on your needs. You will have full transparency and unlimited access to all your accounting data, statistics, and reports.


The services we offer

Vedení účetnictví

Postaráme se o rychlé a správné zúčtování všech dokladů. Připomeneme Vám termíny pro včasné splnění Vašich daňových povinností. Včas zpracujeme účetní závěrku.

Daňové poradenství

Průběžné či jednorázové daňové poradenství? To necháme na Vás. Poradíme, jak zpracovat nejen daňové přiznání, ale také souhrnná hlášení.

Mzdy a personalistika

Pojďme spojit Váš cit pro business a potřebná data s našim zkušeným dozorem - a začněme tak efektivněji plánovat kroky Vašeho podnikání.

Daňová evidence

Připravíme korektní přehledy příjmů a výdajů. Potřebujete mít skutečný přehled o majetku a závazcích? Od toho jsme tu! Spočítáme daně

Finanční analýza, finanční audit a řízení

Pojďme spojit Váš cit pro business a potřebná data s našim zkušeným dozorem - a začněme tak efektivněji plánovat kroky Vašeho podnikání.


We record all documents quickly and accurately. We send you tax deadline reminders. We prepare both regular and extraordinary financial statements on time.

Tax consulting

Regular or one-off tax consulting? That’s up to you. We will advise you on how to prepare not only tax returns but also summary reports.

Payroll and human resources

We can take care of all your human resources administration. We will process payroll and monthly statements.

Tax records

We will prepare the proper income and expense reports. Need a real overview of your assets and liabilities? That's what we're here for! We will calculate your taxes.

Financial analysis, financial audit, and management

Let's combine your business sense and the data you need with our experienced supervision – and start planning your business steps more effectively. We will tailor an interactive financial analysis that responds to your critical areas.

Accounting reconstruction

Professional accounting reconstruction by Jaspar will ensure the accuracy and transparency of your company's management. Bring order back to your accounting and get a peaceful sleep.

Payroll company audit

Verify the accuracy of your payroll process with a payroll audit. We check the accuracy of salaries, hours, tax deductions, levies and many other key aspects according to current legislation and contractual terms.


We always work openly and honestly


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