Switch us to Automatic mode – automated processes

Automatizované procesy

We have our own servers for us and our customers. We take care of them ourselves.

It’s convenient, we’re flexible for us and our customers… You don’t have to follow corporate rules and we do tailor-made services directly for our customers..

We like to prevent problems and invest in refreshes regularly.

  • We regularly upgrade our HW and SW so that you are satisfied with the speed and availability of our online services…
  • New customers are coming to us all the time. The market trusts us, this is a commitment and we want to be ready for the increase in capacity…
  • We use state-of-the-art authentication methods for login with two-factor authentication via mobile apps.
  • We use robotics for routine work
  • etc…


Server Jaspar online prostor


Internal processes

Our internal processes are built on Microsoft 365 products.

We use Microsoft Dynamics 365 to manage our internal processes:

  • new customer arrivals
  • customer churn
  • invoicing
  • project management
  • tax management
  • communication with kleint
  • data repository management
  • etc.

At Scharepoint, we have several websites, both internal and external, where we manage our clients’ documents online in an automated way. It is the process integration of Scharepoint and Dynamics 365 that is a very powerful tool.


Our customer FLOW is EASY

1 Electronic document entry – online access for the customer, including different approval levels

2 Online access to various accounting systems

Microsoft Power BI



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