We have our own servers for us and our customers. We take care of them ourselves. It’s convenient, we’re flexible for us and our customers… You don’t have to follow corporate rules and we do tailor-made services directly for our customers.. We like to prevent problems and invest in refreshes regularly. We regularly upgrade our […]
...Changes in VAT in the field of electronic trading from 1.10.2021 (formerly from 1.7.2021) Since 1 July 2021 there have been many changes in VAT regarding international distance trading (e-shop) for customers in the EU or operating electronic interface (digital platforms), and also importing from third countries. The place for taxing is the recipient’s state, […]
...Income tex return 2019 and the tax rate nad flat-rate expenditure: Personal income tax: 15% Corporate income tax: 19% Application of flat-rate expenditure for personal income tax 2019: 80% (maximum 1 600 000 CZK per year) – from income from agricultural production, forestry and water management, from income from craft licence, 60% (up to CZK 1,200,000 […]
...Here is an overview of the changes planned for 2019: 1.Advances in 2019: In 2019, the average wage will be 32,699Kč (calculated base 30156Kč * coefficient 1.0843Kč) This amount has therefore increased by 2720Kč compared to 2018. Social insurance: The decisive income is increased to the amount of 3000Kč, it is a new limit of […]
...Dear clients, We would like to remind you that in connection with the 4th AML Directive (4th Anti-money laundering EU Directive), Amendment No. 368/2016 Coll. to Act No. 253/2008 Coll. on certain measures against the laundering of the proceeds of crime and terrorist financing has been adopted. The changes introduced by this amendment were also […]
...Bank accounts will be operated from one application Banks have been preparing for this innovation for several months… But according to experience from abroad, it is expected that independent applications will be more successful with users than bank applications… Let’s see who will absorb the most users and bring the best comfort in controlling multiple […]
...On 14 February 2017, Act No. 33/2017 Coll. was published in the Collection of Laws, amending Act No. 235/2004 Coll., on Value Added Tax, as amended (hereinafter referred to as the “VAT Act”). As a result of this legislative change, the VAT rate for newspapers and magazines is reduced from 15% to 10%.
...We bill for one of our partners in the multinational NetSuite system. The number of accounting offices using this system in the Czech Republic can be counted on the fingers of one hand. And you might as well be injured, probably without three fingers 🙂
...We have solved parking… For our clients and us, we have arranged parking right in front of the office. We are now even more accessible
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